Saturday, January 18, 2014

 Two of our three embryos are thriving! The third is still kicking, but smaller than is generally expected to survive. I'm not counting it out until it's out, though. The embryologist said you never know, the tiny ones can still make it, but as of right now it will probably not be a viable option for transfer. 2 is a really good number, though!

 My back is bruised, where I've been stabbed with a jabby needle for three nights now. We alternate sides, of course, but still, it's a bit sore... the first night, no pain. Nights 2 and 3, just a little pain with the injection and some itching as it goes in. The needle is a little bigger than the ones I used for the other hormones before the retrieval and we're using an oil-based solution, so it goes in slower and stays in a lump at the injection site longer. A little soreness isn't a surprise, but it does kind of suck.

 I was really worried about OHSS (Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome) for a few days. I got all bloated and had a lot of sharpish pain in the area of my ovaries and the morning-sickness-like symptoms got a lot worse. I was supposed to take in a lot of high sodium foods to prevent OHSS -- the extra sodium in my blood apparently helps to draw out excess fluids from the follicles that might fill up with fluid after the egg retrieval -- but I didn't take in enough, apparently. After yesterday and today, though I think I've fixed that. I am still bloated but it's from eating ALL THE SODIUM. And it was delicious.

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