Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day! This isn't a holiday I particularly care about, except as an excuse to sleep in and eat candy. I'm not a huge fan of cards, I think they're a waste of trees and money, and they're clutter. Clutter! I've gotten a few cards that were keep worthy, but for the most part they're in the trash in about two days. Every now and then, I use the day as an excuse to buy myself something. A book, new sunglasses. But in truth they were things I'd have bought without the day, too. So what's the point?

 My kids and husband appreciate me all the other days of the year. I don't need special treatment on just one to feel special. I'm kind of spoiled. I get flowers and gifts just Because Greg knows it's important to me. My kids bring me home treats to share multiple times a week. They draw me random pictures frequently. Also, if they decide to be asses on an occasional day, it's no less likely to happen on Mother's Day than any other. Kids aren't very discriminatory about when they choose to be asses. It's one of those things that define childhood; unpredictable assiness. Yeah, sure, wonder and joy and innocence and all that. But also assiness. I love my kids but no one can deny that EVERYONE's kids have a healthy sprinkling of jerky traits and habits. Everyone's kids bicker amongst each other and talk back and have tantrums.

 I think this Mother's Day is, so far, unnoticed by the kids. That's awesome. No breakfast in bed, no cards! To celebrate, I'm going to go register for college, something I'd planned on doing again eventually but I just keep NOT doing. Hope everyone's momma has the day they want!

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