Friday, May 24, 2013

There are no normal people in my life.

Harold Fantastic Longpants*.........
Toni: !!!!!!!!!!!!
Toni: ermahgerr is that all you have to say?
Harold Fantastic Longpants: yes.
Toni: Okay.
Harold Fantastic Longpants: OK
Toni: No one said anything about ass SNIFFING. I think tasting was the word used
Harold Fantastic Longpants: I was trying to forget that part.
Toni: But I said it's NOT allowed, so it can't be that traumatizing
Harold Fantastic Longpants: Ah yes hm. THe wife and I are going up to the Hamptons to enjoy the beach and maybe take in one of the many local ass tastings Hm
Toni: See, mine lets you visualize people not tasting ass. Yours makes you think, omg the Longpantses enjoy ass. 
it is a thing
Toni: hrm.
Harold Fantastic Longpants: This is flipping hilarious
Toni: I might need to post this conversation on my blog.
Harold Fantastic Longpants: Ok, but I demand to be known as "Harold Fantastic Longpants"
Toni: Alright. Names will be changed for privacy and scaredy pants.
*name changed for privacy and scaredy pants.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Running; I hate it. Pretty much the only thing that keeps me doing it is the zombie race on the 1st. Also, getting skinny. I miss being skinny. While I was focused on Karl and cancer for two years, I put on an embarrassing nearly 40lbs. I've lost 10 so far, but I'm still in the low obese range of the bmi scale. That's pretty hard to admit. I always found an identity in being the "skinny girl," and I'm no longer skinny. I'm having trouble grasping the idea that I can still be attractive and struggling with not slipping back into a compulsive not-eating cycle. There are days I'm tempted to encourage old bad habits; calorie counting, extreme restriction, eating only negative-calorie foods. And other days, I fight the desire to eat nothing but Snickers and Pepsi. More often than not this month, I've been restricting. I'm disturbingly proud of a 700 calorie day. I've got enough of a grip to know that's disturbing, but not enough to care. Phentermine makes me forget to eat, too, and makes me able to be up at 6, skip my nap, and stay up until midnight. Also, my house has never been cleaner. Yay phentermine!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Me: Greg. If you found out I was born male bit didn't know until yesterday would you leave me?
Greg: did you find out you were born a man yesterday?
Me: yes. Now answer.
Greg: no. Well, maybe. I would want to know how you had three children.
Me: okay, fine. Not me. Hypothetically, if you found out your wife was born a man would you leave her?
Greg: probably not. .
Me: probably? You said we were soulmates, how does THAT work, you'd maybe leave your soulmate!
Greg: this was supposed to be hypothetical.
Me: well it's not anymore!
Greg: this is a stupid conversation.

Cameron and Heather

 I was contacted recently by the husband of a woman with an incredible survival. He asked me to share her story here to raise awareness and hope, and after watching her video I couldn't say no! There really is so much hope in their story. Here you go!

 "My name is Cameron Von St. James and my wife, Heather was diagnosed seven years ago with a very rare and deadly cancer called mesothelioma, just three months after the birth of our only child.  We were initially told that she could have less than 15 months to live, but she was able to defy the odds and eventually beat the cancer.  Today, she is completely healthy and cancer free.  Now, we work to spread awareness and to support others fighting cancer today.  We recently participated in a short video about my wife's cancer experience, which we hope to use to continue to raise awareness and support. Here is the link to the video:"

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day! This isn't a holiday I particularly care about, except as an excuse to sleep in and eat candy. I'm not a huge fan of cards, I think they're a waste of trees and money, and they're clutter. Clutter! I've gotten a few cards that were keep worthy, but for the most part they're in the trash in about two days. Every now and then, I use the day as an excuse to buy myself something. A book, new sunglasses. But in truth they were things I'd have bought without the day, too. So what's the point?

 My kids and husband appreciate me all the other days of the year. I don't need special treatment on just one to feel special. I'm kind of spoiled. I get flowers and gifts just Because Greg knows it's important to me. My kids bring me home treats to share multiple times a week. They draw me random pictures frequently. Also, if they decide to be asses on an occasional day, it's no less likely to happen on Mother's Day than any other. Kids aren't very discriminatory about when they choose to be asses. It's one of those things that define childhood; unpredictable assiness. Yeah, sure, wonder and joy and innocence and all that. But also assiness. I love my kids but no one can deny that EVERYONE's kids have a healthy sprinkling of jerky traits and habits. Everyone's kids bicker amongst each other and talk back and have tantrums.

 I think this Mother's Day is, so far, unnoticed by the kids. That's awesome. No breakfast in bed, no cards! To celebrate, I'm going to go register for college, something I'd planned on doing again eventually but I just keep NOT doing. Hope everyone's momma has the day they want!